
The Lotus is the symbol of the BJP party in India.

In the Arabian nights there is the story of the fisherman and the Jinn, where fishes of 4 colours are magically cursed in a hidden palace lake that the jinn takes the fisherman to see and gifts him fish to take to the king.

Each colour fish was a person of a certain religion (I forget which ones specifically but it doesn’t matter).

The fisherman catches them and takes them to the king where they cry as they are cooked.

I can’t remember what happens next but I was thinking of this story when I drew this.

You can read this story here The Story of the Fisherman

Thank you for making it to the end

If you have any questions about my work please don’t hesitate to contact me

Published by Janine Shroff

Designer & Illustrator based in London. I specialise in UI/UX, branding, hand-drawn illustration & painting.

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